
  • Chapter 1 – draft 1, snippet

    Amets sat quietly in the waiting room outside the administration office, surrounded by other children their age, talking excitedly with their parents.Amets’ mother looked down at them sternly, “remember what we talked about, dear?”They nodded slowly, gazing back up into their mother’s deep green eyes, “you do the talking, I sit politely,” Amets droned, the… Continue reading

  • yippee for starting!

    i have finally taken the step and have started chapter 1! i have a plan for the chapter, and i’ve written around 200 words so far, it definitely needs more description, and i won’t be sharing anything until i’ve done at least 1 page or 2 of writing cant wait to finally start sharing this… Continue reading

  • The Genetics of Magic [an update]

    The Genetics of Magic [an update]

    This post and This post are currently slightly out of date Along with the co-dominant genes that code for the colour display of magic auras, there is a gene that codes for magic is dominant (expressed with a capital M) and a gene that allows the expression of auras (expressed with a lowercase a). This… Continue reading

  • An unfinished scene

    Amets knew they were being followed. The incessant whispering, hushing then childish giggling gave it away. Amets sped up, hurrying round a corner and nearly collided with Neifion, his curly blue hair obscuring his eyes which were downcast onto a thick textbook.  “Watch where you’re going, Howell,” Amets said bluntly, hurrying past with a nervous… Continue reading

  • The Magic System

    Every sorcerer has access to each type of magic, although they will excel at one area. Each area has many different sub-areas and there are still constant developments. The origins of magic have been proven to be both genetic, and as a result of the environment. Despite this, there are many different stories regarding the… Continue reading

  • First Draft – Prologue

    Books and antique trinkets line the walls of a small office. It belongs to an academic, who is currently scribbling frantically in a leather notebook.  In front of them sits an open book. It takes up what little space there is on the desk.the pages are dog-eared and yellowing, the font is almost illegible.  As… Continue reading

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