Chapter 1 Snippet [first draft]

Maite stared out of the window, gazing at the masses of forest and woodland passing by them. She could hear her mother talking to Amets but the words were muffled in her mind. She caught glimpses of trading carts moving in the opposite direction towards the mountains, bringing crops and goods that could not be grown on the rocky ground.

The carts made her think of a life she could have had, a simpler life where she did not have to live with the constant, unnecessary shame thrust upon her by her sorry excuse of a family. While she knew that Amets suffered just as much as she did, it stung to see them receive the affections of the family even if it was conditional.

“Maite. Maite, I asked you a question, you need to get your head out of the clouds.” Mrs Viteri’s voice cut through Maite’s thoughts, sending a jolt of fear through her spine. Mrs Viteri continued speaking, not allowing Maite to reply. “A journalist is coming this evening to interview me and your father, so we both need you to be on your best behaviour.”

“They won’t ask me any questions, what’s the point of me even being there?” Maite sighed, averting her gaze towards the window once again.

Mrs Viteri made a disapproving sound.
“The point is that they see our family unit together and happy, they will ask questions if someone is missing, and we cannot have that.”
Maite repressed a groan, as sharp steel entered Mrs Viteri’s voice.
“The populace must see the family unit as something to admire and whatever feelings you may have about us must be hidden,” she clicked her fingers pointedly at Amets, “this applies to you as well. Our family is a symbol of what divination should be, and both of you will be that symbol whether you like it or not.”

“Yes, mother.” The two children replied in unison, any excitement either of them had for the rest of the day completely drained from them, replaced with heavy iron in their stomachs as they thought about the coming interview. The journey continued with the piercing eye of Mrs Viteri watching over her children in silence as they sat quietly, waiting for the ride to be over.

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