The Genetics of Magic [an update]

This post and This post are currently slightly out of date

Along with the co-dominant genes that code for the colour display of magic auras, there is a gene that codes for magic is dominant (expressed with a capital M) and a gene that allows the expression of auras (expressed with a lowercase a).

This cross displays parents heterozygous for both the trait for magic and the trait for aura expression.

The most common genotype is MmAa with 25% which has a phenotype of magic and a coloured aura
The 2nd most common genotypes with 12.5% are:

  • MMAa : magic and coloured aura
  • MmAA : magic and coloured aura
  • Mmaa : magic and transparent aura
  • mmAa : no magic (aura gene is irrelevant)

Having no magic presents certain disadvantages in society, the main one being a lack of education on the history of magic. Most of this is taught in academies where many can only attend if they attain a base level of their magic strength.

Those without magic, or with the heterozygous genotype (Mm) may be less attractive to those who desire a strong magical bloodline, although it does not weaken any children born with magic, it increases the changes for a child without magic.

Lacking an aura colour has no direct social difference, although there may be links with aura colours and speed of aging, which may have an impact in life.

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