The Magic System

Every sorcerer has access to each type of magic, although they will excel at one area. Each area has many different sub-areas and there are still constant developments. The origins of magic have been proven to be both genetic, and as a result of the environment.

Despite this, there are many different stories regarding the origins of magic, with no cultures having an obvious connection between stories, Mountain Elves say a benevolent god blessed them with the ability to predict natural disasters and good harvests and fortify their weapons, whereas the Wood Elves believe that the forest itself is a supreme entity that provides its inhabitants with safety and protection. Regardless of the origins these stories are integral to most cultures and are engrained in traditions and behaviours.

There are more sub-types of magic than featured on the lists, however there is rapid development of each area of magic so updating this document rapidly is not possible 

Major types of magic:

  • Divination
  • Alchemy
  • Casting


Divination is the most respected magical subject due to its connection to the Wood Elves and its history of over a millennium. It is possible that divination is an inherent gift of the Wood Elves, potentially due to the power imbued in the forests they live in, resulting in Wood Elves primary area being divination.

Types of divination include:

  • Crystal balls
  • Dreams
  • Visions

Prophetic dreams are the least common type of divination, only the most powerful seer typically suffers from them. 

Divination is possible with or without tools. Tools such as crystal balls and reflecting surfaces are the most common, as they are often the least cryptic. Divination without tools is not taught as a skill in many respected academies, as it is often unreliable.

The most famous divination family is the Viteri family. They have a long line of accurate prophecies and so far none from outside the family have been able to rival them. 

Important: a genetic condition known as Aphantasia causes a disconnect between the mind’s eye and the seer. While the seer may still be able to predict the future they will not have access to visions, will not be able to Scry or use many tools of divination that rely on the mind’s eye. It is a rare condition, although highly stigmatised due to the affected person being unable to use many commonly used conduits of divination.


Alchemy is the most common subject that sorcerers learn and excel at due to its wide range. Alchemy is possible to learn without magical ability, however the potions and substances created are of a much lower quality and the process is more difficult and has a higher likelihood of failure. A primitive form of alchemy has been seen for over half a century in the small villages of the Mountain Elves.

Types of Alchemy include:

  • Potion brewing
  • Blacksmithing
  • Book binding

There is no family known for the mastery of alchemy, like divination, because of its wide range and applications for those without magic. Many Mountain Elves excel at different types of alchemy such as potion brewing. A key export of the majority of Mountain villages in minerals used in healing and fertiliser potions. 


Casting is a requirement throughout a sorcerer’s education. Unlike divination or alchemy, (a student may choose to leave either subject if it is their weakest) a sorcerer must study casting for five years. It is the fundamental core of magic, and every student must master a minimum level of casting at the end of their studies. It is, of course, possible to excel in casting and go beyond that which is expected.

Types of casting include:

  • Moving
  • Heating
  • Cooling

The more complex action required for a spell requires a higher understanding of casting. For example, moving a box requires less understanding than moving a person.

Casting does not use any external tools like divination. When a spell is cast, a glowing aura forms around the targeted object and the caster. This colour has been proven to be genetic, passing down in the form of a co-dominant gene.

The phenotypes this casting aura is expressed as includes:

  • Red MrMr
  • Green MgMg
  • Blue MbMb
  • Yellow MrMg
  • Cyan MbMg
  • Magenta MbMr

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